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My Lfw Experience…

Deputy Browse: Bullring editor, Holly, knows her stuff when it comes to fashion so was over the moon when she got the chance to visit London Fashion Week and watch the Topshop Unique show. Find out what Holly thought of her LFW experience here plus see some of her LFW fashion diary pictures…

This weekend I headed down to London Fashion Week to get snapping street style for my blog and I was lucky enough to be granted with a ticket to see the Topshop Unique Show.  These tickets were like gold dust so I was extremely excited and honoured to have been given one.

I started the day at 10.30am when I arrived at New Street Station in Birmingham. I boarded the train armed with a super strong coffee and a copy of Grazia, to get me in the mood for a day of fashion and style.

Arriving at London Euston around midday I caught the underground over to Embankment.  After walking for a good 5 minutes (from someone’s directions) I then realised that this was totally the wrong way.  Luckily on my about turn I could see several pass holders in the distance, all proudly sporting an LFW week pass hanging from their necks.  Upon arrival at Somerset House, the location base for all things fashion week, I handed in my form and retrieved my golden ticket.  After a mooch around I made the journey to Old Billington Market, which was to be the location for the Topshop Unique Show.

Eager to get there on time, I caught the tube to Monument and hopped in a taxi to avoid sodden clothes, freezing hands and frizzy hair – not a good LFW look.

Arriving at the location, I snapped a few fellow fashionistas all hoping to impress with their carefully concocted outfits for my personal blog.

More and more people arrived, all in glamorous attire, and the supercool lurked on corners chatting with their fashion friends.  It was the most perfect location for people watching – I had serious style envy of almost everyone there.  Macs were a hit as Alexa Chung who turned up proved, along with dangerously high heels, accents of super bright colours and red lips.

Topshop Unique were obviously running late but in my eagerness I had arrived early and got into the front of the queue.  The seated people were allowed in and after an hour and a half of standing in drizzle, a rather bedraggled (yet extremely excited) me entered the location.  I walked into the huge hall and took my place on the nearest side.  I have never seen so many paps and then I noticed a familiar face.  There was Anna Wintour!  Yes, the Editor-in-Chief of American Vogue was there, sitting next to Sir Phillip Green and his daughter.  Pixie Geldof, Nick Grimshaw and Alexa Chung were all also front row attendees.

The loud music started and I snapped away, in through came the models with Minnie mouse bun-esq hair and cute drawn on doggy noses.  The theme was Cruella Deville and 101 Dalmatians.  Still with quite a seventies theme, the colours gold and black reigned and glamour was a major component.  Luxe fabrics, adorned with fur and cut out dresses looked amazing and the whole atmosphere was electric.  The ending song to the show, Hound Dog by Elvis totally encapsulated the fun yet stylish show feel.

The show ended, and I hung around outside like a pap myself hoping to capture Alexa and Ms Wintour on camera.  I caught Alexa but unfortunately Ms. Wintour had snuck out to the side ready for the next show and to maintain her stylish aloofness, so close yet so far.  Maybe next year…

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